
Specialised companies



Totalhike is a company that specialises in activities such as hiking, climbing and vias ferratas in the Valencia Region. Go with us on interpretative routes where you have the chance to observe butterflies, dragonflies, bees … the flora and fauna of this land.

Hiking routes that will show you the archaeological and cultural heritage of Valencia (Iberian settlements, cave paintings, ancient forts, war trenches, etc.), as you walk along protected spaces such as the Garbí, the sierra de Espadan, Mariola, Aitana, la Albufera and many others.

Join one of our activities or workshops that offer a scientific perspective on nature. If you do, you'll discover many of the wonders and secrets that surround us. Another way to learn good environmental practices and advice to enable all of us to enjoy nature.

More information 

Logo TotalHike


Open location
+34 679 119 280